"One of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may." ~ Joseph Smith Jr.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Summer Schedule

Okay.  So you talked me into it.

We will continue to have a once-monthly class to get us all through the summer.  Class will be held the first Thursday of the month.  The dates are: June 2nd, July 7th, and August 4th.

Classes will be held at the South Jordan location:  2450 West 10400 South, South Jordan, Utah.

Time: 11am.

Subjects will be:  June: Psalm 23, July and August: Egyptian Religion.

I'll keep the blog updated if there are any changes to the schedule. 

Thank you so much!

PS.  Remember your heart homework!

Beloved Bridegroom

No, this is not a post about my amazing husband.  It's about the source material I used to teach our last two classes about Jewish wedding rites and how they show up in the scriptures.
The book is called "Beloved Bridegroom," by Donna Nielsen.  It's a magnificent, insightful read.  The book is out of print, but there are a few copies around here and there.  It's also available at the SL libraries.